Observation Protocol for Academic Literacies (OPAL)

The OPAL is a research-based and validated classroom observation tool designed specifically to support teachers of English Learners.  CEEL’s three-day OPAL Institute cultivates the abilities of teachers in refining and implementing reflective instructional practices for prek-12th grade English Learners in their schools/districts.

Attendees will:

  • Build expertise in identifying effective practices for English Learners across a variety of instructional program types and multilingual settings,
  • Learn how to identify topics for differentiated professional development based on OPAL observations, and
  • Learn how to use the observation instrument with reliability and validity.

To learn more see this Multilingual Educator article featuring our program.

Following decades of research and countless OPAL Institutes, Drs. Lavadenz and Armas have published 'The Observation Protocol for Academic Literacies: A Tool for Building Expertise for Teachers of English Learners' which provides real-world classroom examples and processes for preK-12 teachers of English Learners to engage in rich dialogue and reflection to ensure equitable and deep learning for their students.

Upcoming Professional Development

OPAL Training Institute - Spring 2025 (dates to be determined)

The Center for Equity for English Learners is offering a 3-session OPAL training in Spring 2025. Our OPAL Institute is designed for teams of district/school leaders, site administrators, teachers, mentors/coaches, and English Learners Specialists and features our latest research-based classroom observation tools aligning to California and National Teaching Standards (CSTP/NBPTS).

To be updated on the dates and registration for this institute please sign up using our interest form.

If interested in customizing an OPAL Institute for your organization, contact us to schedule a consultation and discuss our different models.

To register for Center updates please complete our Interest Form.