Leadership Development

Leadership is key to the success of Catholic schools. Through Center for Catholic Education programs, the next generation of Catholic school leaders are equipped to transform educational environments.

Under the Catholic School Leadership Academy in the CCE, graduates of the Certificate for Catholic School Administration and optional added M.A. in Educational Leadership, are changing lives by going beyond rhetoric – they lead initiatives and empower others to bring about educational reform. The certificate's national and local cohort models provide a forum for mission-driven learners to network, support, and inspire one another. Equally significant, it creates a setting in which elements of Catholic faith can be integrated purposefully into the learning process. This integration of faith and action inevitably transforms schools and communities.

The M.A. in School Administration (includes Administrative Services credential for those who hold a California base credential) and the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership for Social Justice, prepare leaders who are knowledgeable and deeply committed to education reform in diverse communities. Program participants are able to choose smaller schools as an area of focus, enabling them to go through the program in a cohort with like-minded candidates.

In response to changing needs, and informed by data, the CCE designs and implements training, mentoring and professional development that support Catholic school governance. Additional services and support in Education Law as it impacts Catholic schools is also provided by the CCE.

Academic Programs

Additional Offerings

  • Education Law
  • Governance