General Credential Requirements

Initial Teacher Preparation Credential Programs

Welcome to our Initial Teacher Preparation Program Credential Overview page, where you will find essential information about our programs for those enrolled in our Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Support Needs programs.

All Candidates

  • Subject Matter Competence Requirement Options: Candidates may meet the Subject Matter Competence Requirement (SMCR) in a variety of ways. The Subject Matter Competence Requirement section of the CTC website lists the current options.
  • Subject Matter Competence Requirement Assessment / Notification (60 days): Upon admission, candidates undergo a Subject Matter Competence Requirement assessment within 60 days. We provide clear notifications include details on how candidates have met the requirement or outline the next steps for completion.

Intern Pathway Candidates

  • Subject Matter Competence Requirement Prior to Recommendation: Candidates must demonstrate Subject Matter Competence before being recommended for the intern credential.
  • Bilingual Authorization Language Competence: Candidates pursuing an Intern credential while concurrently enrolled in the Bilingual Authorization program must fulfill the language competence requirement before being eligible for recommendation for the Intern credential.
  • Support and Supervision of Interns Candidates receive dedicated support and supervision throughout their internship or preliminary credential journey. Support and supervision of interns include the following:
    • Each Intern shall be provided, according to current Support and Supervision guidelines set forth by the CTC, adequate supervision, advice, encouragement, and support, as appropriately needed, by School District personnel, including but not limited to, the school site teachers and the District Employed Supervisor (DES). Each DES must hold a valid Clear or Life Credential with an English Language Authorization and will have completed at least three (3) years of successful teaching experience.
    • The University will ensure that University Supervisors will observe and evaluate Interns at least six times during a semester and allocate time with each Intern after each visit to discuss the observation.
    • The University will direct University Supervisors to meet and consult with a District Employed Supervisor (DES) as appropriate.
    • Each semester, each Intern shall be provided a minimum of three (3) hours per week of adequate instruction, advising, encouragement and support, as appropriate, by University personnel, including but not limited to University faculty and University Supervisors (at LMU referred to as Fieldwork Instructors).
  • Early Completion Option (ECO) Requirements: Candidates opting for the ECO must fulfill specific CTC Requirements.
  • Length and Validity of Intern Credential: The University Intern Credential is valid for two calendar years, as issued by the CTC. A onetime, one-year extension by appeal is available at the request from the University when an Intern fails to complete the program in the time allotted due to a hardship.
  • Non-Displacement Policy: Interns will not displace certificated employees in participating Districts.

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential

Welcome to our Administrative Services section, where you can find essential information regarding program completion, exit criteria, and the issuance of credentials. Below are important links and explanations to guide you through the process:

  • Program Completion Requirements / Exiting Criteria: Before receiving a preliminary or intern credential, candidates must meet specific experience requirements. Please refer to the Credential Requirements Section of the LMU Bulletin.
  • Issuance of Preliminary Admin Credential and Certificate of Eligibility: Candidates who successfully complete the program must secure a job offer to be eligible for recommendation for a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. In the event that a candidate doesn't secure employment upon program completion, they will be recommended for a Certificate of Eligibility instead. This certificate confirms the fulfillment of all requirements for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential and permits the holder to pursue administrative positions.