Teacher Preparation Programs
At LMU we offer teacher preparation for elementary, secondary, and special educators. LMU's Teacher Preparation Programs allow you to complete both your teaching credential (multiple subject, single subject, or mild to moderate support needs) and your Master of Arts in Transformative Education in two short years. Additionally, candidates may choose to also complete an authorization in bilingual or literacy education.
LMU's Teacher Preparation programs were created with a vision of providing flexible methods to meet essential pedagogical field experience requirements within program pathways. The pathways include 1) Student Teaching Pathway where candidates complete their field experiences as a student teacher in a mentor teachers classroom, 2) Intern Pathway where field supervision is completed within your public school classroom where you are a full-time teacher of record, 3) Private Pathway where field supervision is completed within your Private school classroom where you are a full-time teacher of record, or 4) Residency where candidates complete field supervision by working alongside a mentor teacher full-time for one year.