Special Education
One Year. Two Credentials.
Alongside the important practical, theoretical, and professional skills needed to teach students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs, LMU's program includes the unique ability to earn a second credential (optional for interested candidates) in year one without any additional coursework. Candidates that choose both credentials meet the requirements for both the Education Specialist Teaching Credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs and the additional Multiple Subject (Elementary) Teaching Credential.
A Second Year. An M.A. Degree.
Committed to preparing you to work successfully with students with diverse learning needs, to excel as a site leader, and to advocate for all students, candidates may optionally complete an additional 12 units in year two for the Master of Arts in Special Education. We're proud of our incredible graduates who teach and serve in teaching and leadership positions in traditional public, charter, and private schools as well as in non-profit settings.
Classes are taught by our distinguished full- and part-time faculty, all of whom have undertaken significant teaching and research in the field. To accommodate your schedule, classes are taught online synchronously in the late afternoon or evening. Class sizes are kept small, ensuring that you receive individual attention and develop close relationships with your fellow students as well as with your professors. LMU is a proud participant in the Golden State Teaching Grant Program (up to $20,000 in aid) as well as many other scholarship opportunities. We readily encourage all applicants to apply for these and more!
LMU Bachelor's Degree Candidates
Our undergraduate track affords candidates the opportunity to earn a Bachelor's degree in addition to the Education Specialist teaching credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs. Student teaching is completed in a candidates senior year or the year immediately following graduation (referred to as a fifth year). Candidates may also combine the Education Specialist credential with a Multiple or Single Subject credential and/or minor in Special Education alongside their major.