SOE Degrees & Programs
The LMU School of Education is the university's largest graduate college, which offers fully accredited Master's, credential and certificate programs, as well as a Doctorate in Educational Leadership for Social Justice. The SOE fosters strong partnerships with diverse Los Angeles schools to provide a rich laboratory for both practical experience and in-depth research.
Administrative Services Credential / School AdministrationM.A. / CredentialBilingual Teacher Education - Chinese or SpanishCredentialCatholic Archdiocesan School Teachers (CAST)M.A. / CredentialCatholic School Administration CertificateCertificateCenter for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation (CUTP)CredentialChild Welfare & Attendance Added AuthorizationCredential AuthorizationCounselingM.A. / CredentialEducation and Learning SciencesB.A. / CredentialEducational Leadership MAM.A.Educational Leadership for Social JusticeEd.D.Educational StudiesM.A.Inclusive EducationCertificateLMU / Teach For America PartnershipM.A. / CredentialPartners in Los Angeles Catholic Education (PLACE)M.A. / CredentialSchool PsychologyM.A. / Ed.S. / CredentialSpecial EducationM.A. / CredentialTeacher Preparation ProgramsM.A. / Credential
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