
The faculty, staff and students of the School of Education strive to work collaboratively in a student-centered environment to be professionals who act to:

Value & Respect All Individuals

We believe in the worth of each individual. We affirm the inherent dignity and value of each person as a child of God. Therefore, we believe that all individuals have the potential to be successful learners with unique characteristics and experiences that bring positive value and meaning to the learning experience.

Promote Cultural Responsiveness

We recognize diversity as a strength and we commit ourselves personally and professionally to serve culturally and linguistically diverse populations. These populations include those who represent cultural diversity broadly defined, including race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and age. Among other valuable theories and approaches, we utilize sociocultural and constructivist perspectives in teaching and learning. We value these and other perspectives that promote active participation in learning, meaningful and authentic instruction and assessment, and emphasize students' cultural and linguistic background experiences.

Integrate Theory & Practice

We strive to unite theory and practice in a reciprocal relationship that mutually inform each other. We are a community of reflective practitioners, guided by critical inquiry and social responsibility. We actively engage in educational research, including faculty/student collaboration. We affirm the use of technology in education as authentic, meaningful, and accessible to all learners.

Develop Moral, Intellectual, Responsible, & Caring Leaders

We are committed to the preparation of educators who will be leaders in the field, and who reflect high standards of ethics and values. We seek to be, and to encourage others to be, women and men who have the intellectual skills to critically evaluate educational issues, have the moral conviction to respond as agents of change, and exhibit an ethic of care in the service of others.

Collaborate & Share Leadership Across Communities

We believe in the value of working collaboratively with the districts, schools, parents, and students of the communities we serve, to successfully educate all learners. We recognize, support and promote the gifts and talents of community members and encourage their participation in decision-making processes.