In honor of the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership for Social Justice program’s tenth anniversary, the Doctoral Alumni Council spearheaded an initiative to create the Doctoral Alumni Scholarship Fund.
We need your help! Our fundraising goal is $100,000 and we are asking you to join us by giving a tax deductible donation to this special scholarship fund. Although $100,000 may seem like a lofty goal, this is what enables us to endow this scholarship and ensure it exists in perpetuity. We have strength in our numbers and, by combining our donations into one scholarship fund, we will establish the first endowed scholarship benefitting students in the doctoral program.
We are already one-third of the way toward our goal. One way you can give generously is to divide your gift into monthly donations. Please consider a gift of $1,000 ($83.33 per month for twelve months), $500 ($41.67 for twelve months) or any amount of your choosing. The success of endowing this scholarship relies on full alumni participation. While it is named the Doctoral Alumni Scholarship Fund, this opportunity to support socially just educational leaders is not limited to only doctoral alumni, but rather available to everyone.
All doctoral students are the beneficiaries of scholarship support provided by LMU, the School of Education, and generous individuals. This is our opportunity to give back and to invest in future cohorts and educational leaders who will advocate for social justice in our classrooms, school districts and communities.
You can contribute a tax deductible gift online, and choose Doctoral Alumni Scholarship from the menu of giving options under “Designations.” Whether you opt to give a single payment, multi-payment, or a recurring gift, you will be making a difference and helping the current doctoral students.
If you need additional information or have any questions about this scholarship, please email Kristen Love, Associate Vice President of Development at LMU, or call her at 310.338.6554.
As the members of the Doctoral Alumni Council Scholarship Subcommittee, we thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness!
Gina Chavez, Ed.D., Cohort 7
Ann Holmquist, Ed.D., Cohort 2
Stephen McCray, Ed.D. Candidate, Cohort 7
Esther Perez, Ed.D., Cohort 8
Ana Ponce, Ed.D., Cohort 5