The Special Education program prepares candidates from a variety of academic backgrounds to work with students with mild to moderate support needs. The Education Specialist Credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs authorizes candidates to teach California TK-12 students with specific learning disabilities, autism, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, traumatic brain injury for grades K-12, transitional kindergarten, and in classes organized primarily for adults through age 22. Included within the same coursework is the Elementary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential for general education classrooms, available for interested candidates. There are no additional units for the second credential, however, there are some modifications made during the field experiences.
We proudly offer options for undergraduates (concentration, minor, or credential) and graduates (M.A. and credential as either a traditional graduate student or for those employed as full-time special educators.)
Learning Outcomes
Candidate Outcome 1: Professional Disposition
The candidate evidences a positive attitude toward learning, demonstrates intellectual and academic curiosity, and is a reflective practitioner embracing life-long learning. In addition, the candidate exhibits knowledge of ethical standards, professional practices and legislation related to the provision of services to individuals with special needs and their families.
Candidate Outcome 2: Positive Behavior Support
The candidate demonstrates an understanding and acceptance of diversity in learners through the use of evidence-based practices to establish and maintain an educational environment that is respectful, and proactive through the use of positive behavior support plans and interventions based on functional analysis assessments.
Candidate Outcome 3: Assessment
The candidate demonstrates knowledge of a variety of non-biased evidence based principles of assessment for the purpose of making ongoing program improvements, informing instruction, and evaluating the needs and achievements of general and special education students.
Candidate Outcome 4: Instruction
The candidate applies principles of equity and an understanding of the diverse characteristics of learners by planning engaging and develop-mentally appropriate instruction that employs higher order thinking skills and a variety of strategies including the use of technology in order to meet the needs of general education and special education students.