- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - A National Science Foundation supported project that began in 1999 to develop a library of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials, mostly in the form of Java applets, for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis). The NLVM is a resource from which teachers may freely draw to enrich their mathematics classrooms. The materials are also of importance for the mathematical training of both in-service and pre-service teachers.
- California Math Council Teaching Resources
- Intervention Central Math Printable Documents
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Exceptional Preparation for the Common Core (need to sign up for a free membership)
Since reading disabilities are so vast and varied, below are the direct links to web pages we believe give you a good introduction along with articles and multimedia.
- First Year Teacher Program: Strategies to help you teach reading effectively
- Essential Reading Strategies for the Struggling Reader: Activities for an Accelerated Reading Program
- Implementing the Reading TEKS in 9th Grade Instruction
- Teaching the Viewing and Representing TEKS in the English Language Arts Curriculum
- Enhancing Vocabulary Instruction for Secondary Students
Manuals of Instruction
- Improving Writing Performance Module
- Supporting Student Comprehension in Content Area Reading
- Writing Strategies Guides: Elementary and Secondary
- Read Write Think
Content Area Instruction
Social Studies
- Teacher Library (login required)
- Library of Congress History Collection
- Bridgeman Education
With over 350,000 images from museums, galleries, private collections and contemporary artists all copyright cleared for educational use, Bridgeman Education gives you access to the visual culture of every civilization and every period from Prehistory to the present day across continents and civilizations. - Smithsonian History Explorer
A great video for students to remember the colors