Teaching in the Community

Education and Learning Sciences (Liberal Studies) students have many opportunities to engage with the wider Los Angeles community, including with schools. Here are just a couple of examples:
- LBST students take SCEM 270-271 “Experimenting in Science” I & II in which they collaborate with Alma Backyard Farms and St Albert’s Elementary School. In this course, students will develop and teach hands-on science lessons that connect science learning in the classroom to the real-world experiences that elementary students get at the farm and its outdoor kitchen. SCEM students also write children’s stories that introduce and explain science concepts, such as biogeochemical cycling.
- EDLS majors can work directly with students in "Art for Elementary Educators" (ART 2250) through ARTsmart, a service learning program. Students form volunteer teams and act as artist-mentors in schools in Los Angeles that have no other arts programming. ARTsmart classrooms are places of vital learning where creativity and confidence are nurtured. Volunteers make meaningful contributions to K-8 students by providing them with well-planned and standards-based arts education, as well as mentoring and support. The goal is to create an appetite for exploration and visual literacy, fostering a creative future for LMU and K-8 students.

EDLS students take their literacy and curriculum methodology coursework (EDES 507 & EDES 508) at Playa Vista Elementary School, a local partner school. Classroom observations occur simultaneously with coursework, showcasing authentic classroom environments and effective teaching strategies in action. In addition, one section of the elementary student teaching seminar is held at this school.
Capstone Project
The EDLS curriculum includes a Capstone Seminar, EDLS 4900, in which students examine global issues in the context of education and educational institutions. Students address critical questions such as: How can education promote responsible local and global citizenship? How can education become a more powerful vehicle for promoting peace, justice, and equity in our world?
Throughout this seminar, each student does in-depth research on a topic of relevance and interest. The course concludes with students producing and presenting their thesis papers and research projects at an end-of-semester symposium.